I Need A Manicure, OR Do I?

I think I need a manicure, or I at least need to trim one of my nails. Do you remember the pimp in Taxi Driver? Harvey Keitel played the role to perfection and there has always been one scene with him in it I’ll never forget and that was when…

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One Armed Paperhanger

‘That”s how I’ve felt lately; busier than a one-armed paperhanger and that must be hell because when I was maybe 14 or 15 my cousin Karen decided she wanted to redo the wallpaper in her and my cousin Debbie’s bedroom. The thing with that was it was in Michigan where…

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Moonshiners Should Be Moonlighters

I seriously don’t see how any of those guys on that show are doing that for a living successfully. I mean I really don’t have much appreciation for their intelligence or lack thereof. Tim, the guy that’s trying to go legal is about the only one I see on there…

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Bad Dog Warning Card

I guess it’s a good thing I’m so familiar with doing things on the Internet and via a computer because I just got a Bad Dog Warning Card from the USPS, so I might need email more than ever.  And, might I add, I am LMAO!
Bad dog warning cardThe only thing that was written on this card was our address, and after the address- in house-honk.  Giggling uncontrollably.  Are we freaking serious here? For one thing she’s 13 years old, for another thing she’s INSIDE THE HOUSE, and last I looked had not grown thumbs and cannot open the door.  I suppose in one of her more creative attack modes she might actually crash through the glass window and the screen and satisfy her taste for mail carriers that way, but I find it highly unlikely.  Shaking my head.
I have to say if you are a mail carrier and you are so afraid of dogs, no matter how bad their bark, that you can’t knock on a door or ring a doorbell because an animal INSIDE THE HOUSE scares you, you might have taken the wrong career path.